Source code for examples.communication_schemes.forwarding_example

Forwarding Example using Wrapyfi.

This script demonstrates message forwarding using the MiddlewareCommunicator within the Wrapyfi library.
The communication follows chained forwarding through two methods, enabling PUB/SUB pattern
that allows message publishing and listening functionalities between processes or machines.

    - Using the NativeObject message
    - Transmitting a Python object with predefined message
    - Applying the PUB/SUB pattern with forwarding through two communication methods

    - Wrapyfi: Middleware communication wrapper (refer to the Wrapyfi documentation for installation instructions)
    - YARP, ROS, ROS 2, ZeroMQ (refer to the Wrapyfi documentation for installation instructions)

    # On machine 1 (or process 1): Mode Chain A: Publisher [ZeroMQ], Chain B: Disabled (chain A & B can have different middleware
    by setting the --mware_... argument but it should be consistent on all machines or processes)
        ``python3 --mware_chain_A zeromq --mode_chain_A publish --mode_chain_B disable``

    # On machine 2 (or process 2): Mode Chain A: Listener [ZeroMQ], Chain B: Publisher [ROS 2] (chain A & B can have different middleware
    by setting the --mware_... argument but it should be consistent on all machines or processes)
        ``python3 --mware_chain_A zeromq --mode_chain_A listen --mware_chain_B ros2 --mode_chain_B publish``

    # On machine 3 (or process 3): Mode Chain A: Disabled, Chain B: Listener [ROS 2] (chain A & B can have different middleware
    by setting the --mware_... argument but it should be consistent on all machines or processes)
        ``python3 --mode_chain_A disable --mware_chain_B ros2 --mode_chain_B listen``

import time
import argparse

from wrapyfi.connect.wrapper import MiddlewareCommunicator, DEFAULT_COMMUNICATOR

[docs] class ForwardCls(MiddlewareCommunicator):
[docs] @MiddlewareCommunicator.register( "NativeObject", "$mware_chain_A", "ForwardCls", "/example/native_chain_A_msg", carrier="mcast", should_wait=True, ) def read_chain_A(self, mware_chain_A=None, msg=""): """ Read and forward message from chain A. """ return (msg,)
[docs] @MiddlewareCommunicator.register( "NativeObject", "$mware_chain_B", "ForwardCls", "/example/native_chain_B_msg", carrier="tcp", should_wait=False, ) def read_chain_B(self, mware_chain_B=None, msg=""): """ Read and forward message from chain B. """ return (msg,)
[docs] def parse_args(): """ Parse command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Forwarding Example using Wrapyfi.") parser.add_argument( "--mode_chain_A", type=str, default="publish", choices=["listen", "publish", "disable", "none", None], help="The mode of transmission for the first method in the chain", ) parser.add_argument( "--mode_chain_B", type=str, default="listen", choices=["listen", "publish", "disable", "none", None], help="The mode of transmission for the second method in the chain", ) parser.add_argument( "--mware_chain_A", type=str, default=DEFAULT_COMMUNICATOR, choices=MiddlewareCommunicator.get_communicators(), help="The middleware to use for transmission of the first method in the chain", ) parser.add_argument( "--mware_chain_B", type=str, default=DEFAULT_COMMUNICATOR, choices=MiddlewareCommunicator.get_communicators(), help="The middleware to use for transmission of the second method in the chain", ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs] def main(args): """ Main function to initiate ForwardCls class and communication. """ forward = ForwardCls() forward.activate_communication(forward.read_chain_A, mode=args.mode_chain_A) forward.activate_communication(forward.read_chain_B, mode=args.mode_chain_B) while True: (msg,) = forward.read_chain_A( mware_chain_A=args.mware_chain_A, msg=f"This argument message was sent from read_chain_A transmitted over " f"{args.mware_chain_A}", ) if msg is not None: print(msg) (msg,) = forward.read_chain_B( mware_chain_B=args.mware_chain_B, msg=f"{msg}. It was then forwarded to read_chain_B over {args.mware_chain_B}", ) if msg is not None: if args.mode_chain_B == "listen": print( f"{msg}. This message is the last in the chain received over {args.mware_chain_B}" ) else: print(msg) time.sleep(0.1)
if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() main(args)